A six-app deathmatch for the crown of ultimate Linux browser
These days it's not just basic tasks that can be undertaken without leaving the confines of a Firefox or Konqueror window; some of the jobs that used to require complex desktop applications – database...
View ArticleDillo 2.0 is fast, but limited
The lightweight Dillo Web browser, in development for eight years, has always been a contender for the fastest browser available on GNU/Linux -- so much so that the Google's Chrome will have to be...
View ArticleFirefox gets Porno Mode
I guess it had to happen, after IE8 added a Porn User Mode, and now Firefox has got one as well. Is this a good thing?
View ArticleHow to install Firefox 3.1b2 in Ubuntu (from repo)
Go to System > Administration > Software Sources, to the Third-Party Software tab and add this repository:
View ArticleComplicated relations between Mozilla and Google
Since Google launched their own browser, Firefox maker's relationship with them has become "more complicated". Mozilla is dependent on Google for the vast majority of its revenue and has previously...
View ArticleI just had an Epiphany
Everybody’s talking browser wars again. IE8 is out, which doesn’t matter much to Linux users, and Chrome for Linux is getting closer to being usable, which does. Webkit browsers seem to be the next big...
View ArticleMS to ship Windows 7 without IE, The EU is unimpressed
Microsoft has announced Thursday that they intend to sell version of Windows 7 without the bundled Internet Explorer browser. The Idea is that PC manufacturers would then be free to bundle whatever...
View ArticlePessulus: Putt restrictions on the functions of Gnome
Sometimes it is necessary to put restrictions on users, if you have a computer to the public or used by many people. For example a library, we can not allow anyone to put their taste or change certain...
View ArticleEU browser case: FSFE says details of settlement will be crucial
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) congratulates the European Commission on its firm stance in the antitrust investigation against Microsoft, which has led the company to offer a settlement. For...
View ArticleMozilla Firefox 3.6 released
Mozilla, a public-benefit organization dedicated to promoting choice and innovation on the Web, today released Firefox® 3.6, an update to its popular, free and open source Web browser. The latest...
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